Welcome to Arizona Active Air



Thank you for visiting Arizona Active Air.


Arizona Active Air has been training new pilots and refreshing seasoned pilots for over 18 years. We use a very solid program that has great results for first time pilots and for the seasoned pilot that only needs flight review or just a little refresher.


Arizona Active Air also lets you help someone enjoy a birthday, anniversary or any other reason to have some real fun. For the person that is not quite sure about aviation, we have a great program with a discovery flight.


At Arizona Active Air we can take you from never flown, to your first lesson, to your first solo, your first night flight (night flight extremely beautiful). We are there with you all the way to your dream of having your first pilot certificate. We are not finished yet; we also will help you with whatever direction your aviation career is pointed. We also assist in looking for the perfect first airplane for you and your family.


Any type of flying can be dangerous, we do everything we can to instill the safest training process possible. Safety is always at the top of our training requirements.


Arizona ActiveAir  uses one of the most current flight training devices for student training along with very well maintained aircraft.


Ed Whitehead CFII 




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